If you follow our blog you know we have strong opinions on the potential of Atombeam’s Data-as-Codewords technology to help address the unprecedented need for power associated with AI workloads. As AI’s thirst for more power and cooling grows, data center operators face a very real and problematic shortage of power, with everything from nuclear reactors to dedicated oil and gas facilities now being considered.
But of course, power needs do not exist in a vacuum. There are additional ramifications to consider, as two issues in the news reveal. The first is the impact that the very construction of new data centers and the expansion of existing facilities has on the communities they reside in, something that is emerging as a problematic reality in North Virginia where the world’s largest concentration of data centers exists in the immediate vicinity of historic Civil War battlefields.
And then of course, there is the issue of rolling blackouts and power shortages – a reality which if left unaddressed will force citizens and municipalities to decide where their consumption priorities lie. Notably, this will become more difficult as AI becomes increasingly ubiquitous and intertwined with the Internet.
Regardless of where you stand on all of these issues, one thing is certain. The status quo will not suffice, nor will we be able to get by simply by building more facilities, faster chips and more processors. At Atombeam, we believe the time has truly come when innovation must focus on data itself.
Importantly, our belief is not based on theory, but rather on practice, where in real-world use cases our Neurpac solution decreases the size of workloads by 75% and increases available bandwidth by 4x and more. Not only does Data-as-Codewords radically decrease latency and make actual real-time data transfers possible, but it exponentially decreases the power required.
Of course, no one solution will address all of our power consumption needs, but on the most basic level, lighter workloads are far easier to move, store and secure. Lighter loads also decrease the capital expenditures associated not only with the building of new data centers, but also their operation, as well as the wired, satellite and cellular networks connected to them. That is why at Atombeam we are so passionate about the opportunity and ability we have to significantly impact the power consumption needs associated with AI.
To learn more about these issues and in case you missed it, check out the conversation last month between Atombeam’s Founder and CEO Charles Yeomans and legendary investment visionary Kevin O’leary.