future of data
The volume of data from smart IoT applications keeps growing rapidly as an increasing number of functions are automated using sensors. “Smart” is the future and data transmission needs continue to climb every day. Smart cities, smart manufacturing, and smart buildings produce such efficiencies in both energy usage and cost cutting. There’s no going back. AtomBeam enables all the smart apps needed to get the data you want in real time at lower cost.
transform cities
smart manufacturing
The ability to monitor defects and quality in real time directly translates to factory floor productivity and the bottom-line Smart Manufacturing. Smart manufacturing has become manufacturing reality. You want to have real-time ability to optimize decision-making that maintains profitability. You need to monitor the production line in real time to prevent downtime. The ability to monitor defects and quality in real time directly translates to factory floor productivity—and to the bottom line.
Factory safety depends on real-time equipment maintenance. You need to keep the line operating efficiently while complying to all safety regulations.
AtomBeam solves the real-time data problem by reducing data size by 70-90%. This gives you the ability to send 4X the amount of data without increasing costs. Sensor battery life is extended by the reduction in the amount of data being transmitted. Reducing the time on-air reduces the biggest drain on sensor batteries.
smart buildings
Smart buildings use Internet of Things (IoT) devices—sensors, software, online connectivity to give your organization the ability to manage energy usage in real time. With real-time data, you can make informed decisions. You can reduce costs while also making life more comfortable inside the building(s). You get a clear picture of where the costs come from that show up on your monthly energy bill.
If you don’t know the energy utilization inside a building or across multiple properties, you can’t efficiently manage those spaces. Adjusting your organization’s energy consumption saves costs and reduces your carbon footprint.
AtomBeam gives you the ability to generate insights about usage patterns and trends. You can monitor building characteristics and analyze the data. Having this data in real time gives you the ability to optimize the building’s environment and operations. The demand for smart buildings is increasing along with a massive increase in data produced.