AtomBeam: Blockchain Webinar Recap

Combining Vogon with Compaction enables an incredible, game changing new product.

Hello! We recently held an exclusive online event, with special guests CrowdPoint Technologies CEO Sean OBrien-Brehm and President Nadab Akhtar. In case you missed it, we have a quick summary of our discussion below! 

We're Ecstatic to Announce Our Partnership with Crowdpoint!

CrowdPoint is emerging as a major player in blockchain. Their Vogon blockchain is unique - it combines a database and blockchain in a single software, and uses “microservices” make it many times faster than any blockchain in common use. Speed, accuracy and security of transactions are the most important features of blockchain, and Vogon may be the best of all.

Combining Vogon with Compaction enables an incredible, game changing new product. Now in development, it will take advantage of Compaction’s ability to selectively encode data in a blockchain “block” - this will make it possible for information to be secured and only disclosed selectively, on a “need to know” basis. Instead of revealing your address, age and everything else on your driver’s license, for example, a bartender would only need to know if you are over 21; a scan of your personal QR code would give him a green light, and that is all he would need to see. You, a company, the government, would only allow access to information that the other party needs, and everything else would remain private. This is revolutionary.

This joint product, with most of the work being supplied by CrowdPoint, is drawing interest from the highest levels of governments in different parts of the world, as well as by key players in the U.S. government. The flow of massive amounts of highly reliable data for tracking the flow of goods in supply chains is the first target and the information gained will be of very high value. To say that the combined product has potential would be an understatement.

Thank you for your Time

Be on the lookout for our next webinar! It will serve as a part 2 to the first discussion. Visit our raise page on StartEngine to learn more. Watch our recent recap here!
