Reg A+ Round Update

As you may have seen, we here at Atombeam officially kicked off our Reg A+ funding round under StartEngine's Broker Dealer. And what a couple of weeks it has been! We’re thrilled with the response thus far: $1 million raised the first day, and a total of $4 million in just over two weeks. In fact, we've been one of the trending companies on Kingscrowd for the past week.

As you may have seen, we here at Atombeam officially kicked off our Reg A+ funding round under StartEngine's Broker Dealer. And what a couple of weeks it has been! We’re thrilled with the response thus far: $1 million raised the first day, and a total of $4 million in just over two weeks. In fact, we've been one of the trending companies on Kingscrowd for the past week.

Thank you to everyone who’s invested so far - we all truly appreciate your support.

If you aren’t familiar with StartEngine, it’s an equity crowdfunding platform that empowers individual investors to invest in companies like ours directly. 

As for Atombeam, we’re continuing to push forward with our Neurpac product, which uses our Data-as-Codewords technology to reduce the size of data being transferred by an average of 75%. Neurpac enables enterprises to realize an average 4x increase in effective bandwidth, with near zero added latency, which makes it possible to eliminate the network congestion typically experienced with “real-time” data transfers.

This is critically important as the amount of data organizations are producing - and then need to process and analyze - is increasing at an exponential rate. In fact, industry analyst IDC predicts that IoT devices already online will generate 90 zettabytes of data in 2025 alone. 

The growth in edge computing and data from sensors and devices makes it difficult for enterprises to manage and utilize their data and information assets. Networks will become overwhelmed, pushing the industry to develop a more efficient way of using, moving, managing, and storing data. 

We believe that Atombeam’s Data-as-Codewords technology - brought to market through Neurpac - is the answer. In addition to the size and bandwidth improvements, Neurpac enables the deep obfuscation of data, rendering it highly secure; positively impacts IoT device battery life because of reduced data size; and enables data to remain randomly accessible and searchable, unlike compressed data. These are just a few of the reasons why we feel Atombeam is on the right track to improve the industry’s ability to manage - and learn from - data. 

If you’d like to join us, we welcome you aboard. Here’s more information on how to become an investor:

And thank you all again.

This Reg. A+ offering is made available through StartEngine Primary, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. Please read the Offering Circular and Risk Factors disclosure before investing. This investment is speculative, illiquid, and involves a high degree of risk, including the possible loss of your entire investment.
