Internet of Things…? What’s that?

Atombeam Reduces IoT Bandwidth Costs By 75%!

The internet of things (IoT) has been on the horizon for years, but it's not until recently that we've seen a surge in the number of IoT devices. 

From smartphones to Fitbits to smart homes and smart cars, the IoT absorbs data with every aspect of our lives, and it is through the IoT that AtomBeam is poised to change everything we know about data transmission. AtomBeam makes all that communication hyperefficient.

But what exactly *is* the Internet of Things?

Let Us Break It Down For You

The growing demand for interconnected devices has spawned an entire ecosystem of software, hardware and service providers. 

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of sensors, embedded devices and other smart appliances that can be controlled over a network - this is the biggest trend in technology today. 

IoT is gaining popularity in a variety of industries, as the technology increases efficiency and helps create a better customer experience. Connectivity of everything - the metaverse - is the future. And AtomBeam makes every device that comprises the metaverse communicate an average of 4x faster, and more securely.

AtomBeam’s revolutionary new technology that will transform the way we collect and use IoT data - allowing for communication over any network 4x faster and reducing bandwidth costs by an average of 75% or more! 

Ultimately, the goal is to allow machines to operate themselves with minimal human intervention, so as to save on costs and improve quality. 

Okay, But How Does It Work?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators and connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data. A recent TechTarget article states, "IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed or analyzed locally."

The specific connectivity, networking and communication protocols used with these devices largely depends on what specific IoT applications are deployed. 

IoT can also be made easier and more dynamic through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. And that cutting edge technology is where AtomBeam’s Compaction has the potential to revolutionize IoT data.

AtomBeam’s compaction uses machine learning to find patterns in a sample across thousands of machine/IoT type files from a source, such as a geolocation sensor or other data generating device, building a codebook that consists of frequently used patterns that are matched to indexes, called codewords. Codewords are far smaller than the patterns they represent; for example, a 128 bit pattern could be represented by a 3-bit codeword. Once a codebook has been created, it is loaded as a firmware update in a source, such as a sensor, and a destination, such as a server. As new data files are generated, they are cut into the pattern lengths in the codebook and a lookup is performed, matching the pattern in the file to one in the codebook, so that the codeword associated with the pattern can be transmitted, instead of the original data. At the destination the process is reversed, and encoded communication can be two-way. The original data never leaves the source. This is a revolutionary way to handle data.

AtomBeam Reduces IoT Bandwidth Costs By 75%!

The vast majority of IoT devices currently rely on Wi-Fi or cellular data for connectivity. 

Unfortunately, this approach can be costly and inefficient. So much so that it can reduce the overall effectiveness of the IoT.

That's where AtomBeam comes in. 

Our unique software that you can add to existing hardware - reducing bandwidth costs by a factor of four and saving what would cost billions of dollars in upgrades.

Visit our StartEngine raise page for more information regarding our technology and how you can join our rapidly growing community of early investors
