AtomBeam and the Future of National Defense Data Communications - Webinar Recap!

Why General Anthony Tata Believes in Atombeam

I recently held a webinar with Former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy (#3 Pentagon official) General Anthony Tata (retired) to discuss AtomBeam's military potential! 

If you were unable to attend last week's event for any reason, we've provided a recording of the discussion for you to watch at your earliest convenience.

We've also highlighted some background and important topics that were discussed directly in this article. We hope to see you at the next one!

Background on Former Undersecretary of Defense

Mr. Tata has a long and storied career, filled with exciting exploits. He deployed to Haiti during Operation Uphold Democracy to stabilize the country after a military coup, served in Operation Joint Endeavor in Bosnia and Croatia, and was part of Operation Jungle Warrior in Panama. 

General Tata worked on Operation Joint Guardian in Kosovo, and served as Chief of Staff for Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. With such an impressive record, it was a no-brainer to bring him on as a senior advisor for AtomBeam.

After his time in the military, Mr. Tata served as the Chief Operating Officer of the Washington DC Public Schools, Superintendent of the Wake County (Raleigh, NC) Public School System, and Secretary of Transportation for North Carolina.

Why General Anthony Tata Believes in AtomBeam

When he learned about what AtomBeam does, it instantly clicked with him that this will make a difference to the warfighter on the ground and the commanders in theaters. For example, when you have something that's going to save you anywhere from 75% of your bandwidth, that would give him three extra Predators right there on the same amount of bandwidth.

When General Anthony Tata was deployed in Afghanistan, he had no Predators (a drone that transformed military combat). The lights were out. And so he scratched and clawed with CENTCOM, and they said, "Look, there's not enough bandwidth. We just don't have the capacity to give you Predators." 

He finally got a Predator, then he got two, and it made all the difference in the world, but they were trading off between theaters between Iraq and Afghanistan, and had certain hours they could use it. AtomBeam has the potential to change scenarios like this in the future.

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